Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Let me let go"

It's the end of 2011. For me, it was a year of laughter, tears and headaches (not exactly in that order).  All in all, I'm just grateful to be here for another year. After all, there isn't much I can do to change my's time to look forward and plan for the future.

Trouble is, I can't let go.

Men folk, you may not to want to read this next part.

A few weeks ago, I went to get my eyebrows waxed. It's not a lot of fun. They slather hot wax on your eyebrows and then take a tiny strip of some sort of paper and put it on the wax and then RIP!!!!!!!  But that isn't the end of it. Just when you think you're safe..they go in with a pair of tweezers and it turns into a "Plucking Nightmare".  During my last visit, the lady remarked "Wow...some of these just don't seem to want to "let go".  Figures.

 It just seems that nothing about me wants to "let go"  of anything..the past or present .  If I have a particularly bad day at work, I just can't put it aside. I get into a fight with a friend, I absolutely shut down and it takes me days to move on. I dwell on the most ridiculous things in life that most people don't ever give a second thought to. That's me,  I'm a dweller.

 But I can't worry about my past. It's behind me. I can't really worry about the present because it will soon be past. So by simple deductions,  I guess I should just look ahead to my future. After all..tomorrow is another I've been told.

 When I was asked to be a part of this team I remember thinking that I couldn't wait to see how God would bless me in 2012. I have a hard time remembering that He is blessing me every day I'm alive and that he has forgiven my past, is with me in the present and has big plans for my future. It's exciting to know that. I hope you know that, too.

 On to other business...

I've tried to keep up with my walking during the holidays. It's not easy. On Christmas Eve, while at my grandma's,  I decided that I would  have a traditional Christmas Dinner. But if I were to consume those calories, I'd have to do some walking. So..I walked...and walked...and walked....and walked. It was well over 3 miles and it was through a golf course, a neighborhood and around a duck pond. It was so nice spending this time outdoors. I've really become fond of getting out and looking at the world around me. To be honest, I haven't really done much of that in my life.

I also went to the gym and had some fun time on the elliptical.  I've learned that "The Big Bang Theory" is a great show to watch on an exercise machine. Just make sure not to have too many people around you because when you laugh hysterically, folks look at you strange ;)

 As always, you can follow us on Facebook or visit this website to learn all about our awesome Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner weight loss challenge team.

 So, that's week so far.
Hope the rest of 2011 treats you kindly.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Walking after Midnight

   Each Saturday, I am fortunate to meet up with my team mates from Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner Weightloss Challenge for our training. (Side note: We have a new video you might want to check out).
 Our group joins up with the Knoxville Track Club as they train for the marathon as well.

 I admit that at first it was a bit intimidating joining all of these super fit people who run faster and longer distances. It's one of those "One of these things is not like the other" deals.  But to my delight, they are super nice and really supportive and encouraging to all of us and I have truly enjoyed meeting them.

    I have always enjoyed walking. I feel the exact same passion for walking as runners feel for running.  Walking gives me the chance to clear my head and arrange my thoughts. I pray, encourage myself, talk on the phone or listen to music during my walks.

So...the question is..why the heck haven't I been walking instead of getting fat?
I'd say "I don't have the time" but the truth is I haven't made time.

 This journey has taught me that you can make time to do exactly what you want to do and walking wasn't at the top of my list. It's still not at the very tip-top  but it's inching up little by little.

 So if you're up early on a Saturday, come walk with us.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Walking on the Moon

From the moment I was asked to blog about my experience as part of the Covenant Health Biggest Winner Weightloss Challenge, I found it difficult trying to decide on a name. There are so many great ones out there and I was not prepared to put my oh-so-limited imagination to the test to come up with something that would be memorable. So, I cheated.

  I spent a few seconds doing some soul searching (I was on a work deadline after all) and with a helpful co-worker leaning over my shoulder, I decided to choose a name that played off the infamous words spoken by Neil Armstrong after stepping onto the surface of the moon: "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind".  

Those words have always inspired me. They still do. 

I look at this as a journey that I've never before taken. I'm not landing on the moon, I'm landing on my feet.

These small steps I'm taking: eating healthier (okay, I need to do MUCH better on that), exercising regularly and learning to appreciate myself more are all baby steps towards taking a giant leap into a healthier lifestyle.  It's a journey that a great deal of us need to take. So here's to taking those steps and to finding a life that's "out of this world".

 On to other business.

This has not been my most stellar week. I have been on vacation, which is great, but I was not the best on my diet. I didn't "blow the diet altogether", but I did have a few things that I should probably have stayed away from (Why must EVERYTHING be made of coconut at Christmas? It's my favorite).

I have done pretty good on my exercising. I was in West Tennessee and used the time to go for evening walks and looking at Christmas lights. It's one of my favorite things to do this time of year, so it was really fun getting to see them up close and personal.

 On Saturday, it was time to walk. We met at the Runner's Market in Bearden (near the Fresh Market). This time, we walked 5 miles around another Greenway that I, again, didn't know was there.  It was really beautiful. Amanda and Darla were my walking buddies. We tried to keep up with Melody but she's become so darn fast, I just saw her little pink hat get smaller in the distance ;) It's also fun to get encouragement from the Knoxville Track Club. I sometimes feel a little silly talking about my heel hurting or my leg cramping when they're running faster and longer than I'm even walking. Coach Kane told us to increase our pace for a certain distance until we get winded. I was winded from the get-go but Amanda and I tried our best. We even jogged up the hills along the trail so that was past my comfort zone, trust me.

  During our walk, one of my team mates and I made a "Band of Brothers" pledge to never leave a man come he** or high water, I plan on walking the 1/2 marathon on April 1 (no foolin').

 This week is still kind of up in the air as I have company staying with me and still more Christmas shopping to do and there never seems to be enough time. Next week, it should be business as usual..just in time to join the rest of the world in their resolve to lose weight.

Just remember..small steps lead to giant leaps.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It is well with my soul

Today at church I heard a song that I have heard dozens of times before: It Is Well with My Soul. I have always loved this song because of the words and the story behind it.

Most people know song's history but many others haven't so I'll give the Readers' Digest version of the story.

In the 1870's, Horatio Spafford wrote the hymn after 3 major life tragedies (in this order): His only son died, the Great Chicago fire ruined him financially and  his 4 daughters died at sea (only his wife survived). He was inspired to write the words to It Is Well with My Soul as the ship he was on (to go to be with his wife who was in Europe) reached the area where his daughters died.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Typically, I hear the song at church, sing it and then go on my way but today, it caused me to do some (forgive me) "soul searching".

  You hear people talk about working on their overall being: Mind, Body & Soul. You hear a lot of talk of people saying the believe in something with all their heart & soul. And, you hear of people looking to save lost souls. So, I have to ask. What exactly is a soul?

Here's one definition: the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.


Okay, so maybe I'm getting off on a bunny trail here.

My  point is, the soul is a very important part of who each and every one of us are and to be successful at anything, you have to believe  and commit to it with your MIND, BODY, SOUL!!!.

History lesson aside, this has been a week of soul searching and figuring out what I do and don't want out of life.

On Monday, I had my first meeting with a Dietitian at Covenant Weight Management Center. It was the first time I had been weighed since our initial meeting. It was fun seeing all the numbers go down (Weight, BMI, etc). In our meeting, we discussed what I am doing right (which is always nice to hear) and what I am not doing right. I don't drink enough water (never have) and I have way too much caffeine (but that bunny trail I took earlier is a clear example of that). I learned about carbs and proteins and the dangers of sugar/fat  and salt/fat combinations. Tasty yet dangerous combinations.  You can read all about Covenant Weight Management here.

I also got to catch up with one of the nicest and certainly most inspiring ladies I know: Sherry from Season 9 of the Biggest Loser. Since this season's finale is coming up, we went to check in with her for a story that will air on Live at Five at 4.  She admits that she's up a bit in her weight (which I don't really believe because I thought she looked INCREDIBLE). We talked a lot about my weight loss adventure and she reminded me of something she said to her daughter on their first episode of the show. Ashley had told her mother that she didn't think she could do everything that was expected of her while they were on the show and Sherry looked at her and said to her, "But what if you can?". I love that--she's such a great mom!! That was a game changer for both of them and they went on to be two of the most successful contestants that season. I left with renewed interest in my task at hand: Exercising and losing weight.
Tuesday, we met with Chris, our trainer and life coach and talked about setting goals.  Okay, this is where I'm really going to have to do a LOT of soul searching. To be perfectly honest, other than graduating college, getting a job and buying a house, I have never really thought about goals. There's something scary and overwhelming about putting down on paper dreams you want to make a reality.  I came out of there thinking about life and what I really want to achieve in it. For you "Nosey Nellies" who are wondering, the very first thing I wrote on my goal list was: Change my life for the better. There, I put it out there, I don't want to just lose weight, I want to make myself better in every way: Mind, Body & Soul.
You can learn more about Chris' Strong Within life coaching by visiting his website.

On Saturday morning, we met for more training. This time, we walked a greenway in Knoxville that I had never knew existed...4.5 miles in all (behind Sam's & Walmart on Walker Springs).  Missy & Amanda were my walking buddies and we had great talks about life, weight, walking, Christmas and Carrie Underwood (don't ask).  It's fun getting to know the members of the Weightloss Challenge group. Many of them have their own personal blogs that are worth checking out. You can by visiting this Facebook Page or going to the Offical home page.

So there you have it: A very looooong look at an even longer week full of socializing and soul searching. I'm working on my body...and my soul (I gave up on my mind a long time ago ;).

Have a blessed week!
Philippians 4:13


Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Baby Got Back"

Hello, I'm Lee Ann Bowman and I'm morbidly obese. (Now everyone together: "Hi Lee Ann").

Granted, this is probably not the way I would normally introduce myself (not without a few cocktails , at least) but it is the how the world of health/fitness sees me. By this I mean a recent "Fit Test" Covenant Health Fitness Center determined my BMI (Body Mass Index) to be morbidly obese.  But does it REALLY define me??? (more on that in later blogs, I promise).

   There's something honest and humbling about hearing that you are morbidly obese. At first you want to cry. Well, that would be you don't do that. Then you want to scream, but that is awkward too. So I just sat there and smiled and accepted what I was being told as the truth (I mean really, what position am I to argue?). I left there mad at myself for letting this happen.

It's my personal belief that the obesity problem in America could be cut drastically if we were all sat down, showed our fitness charts and told "hey, you're mobidly obese, not pleasantly plump."  Seeing the numbers hits home and it hits REALLY hard.

About the numbers..they weren't good. One said I'm well below average for Maximal Oxygen Consumption (ironic since I'm full of hot air).  I was also told that my percentage of body fat is 49%. Again, it's not good but 51 % of the rest of me believes I can be thin so I'm rooting for that percentage. (If you're wondering,  I was never really good at math/statistics so it's really not a surprise that numbers would come back to bite me in the rear).

The bottom line:  I have a lot of work to do to lose weight and get those numbers where they need to be. It may not happen tomorrow but it will happen. I can assure everyone (mostly myself) of that.

I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Saturday, November 26, 2011

We're playing those mind games...(together).

I've heard it all my life, a simple phrase that seems to explain the impossible: Mind over matter.

I just watched MTV's "I used to be fat". One of the Covenant trainers, Chris O'Hearn, coached a beautiful young lady from Seymour. In it, they talked about something  that I had never really thought about before: Making your mind be a part of your exercise/weight loss routine. i,e Getting it in your mind that you CAN do it.

It really opened my eyes. It may sound ridiculous but I seriously had never thought about putting my mind into doing anything about my weight. I associate losing weight with emotion or what's in my heart but never, ever my  mind.

 I thought it was a very informative and inspiring show from a network that I had given up on many years ago (I stopped watching when they got rid of the Moon Man opening every hour. Yeah, I'm that old)

 So from here forth, I'm going to have to start thinking of this as doing something for the MIND, BODY & SOUL.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend? People can be so cold

 I've been thinking a lot about support systems this week. It's so important for all of us to have support in everything that we do. Whether it comes to us in our work relationships or our personal ones, it's nice to know you have someone who's "Got your back".
 I would argue that support is as important on any weight loss plan as the food and exercise plan.

  My team mates are certainly supportive. On the Sunday of our walk in the Buddy's Race Against Cancer, we were all supportive for each and every step of the way. Some of us haven't walked 2 miles in a while so it was nice that we could encourage each other along.

 And, in the days since we last saw each other, we have emailed each other little encouragements to get through the week. It's been fun seeing all the emails in my mailbox and know I have a little nugget of encouragement/advice waiting for me. I've also received encouragement from many of my friends and that has also encouraged me. I thank you all so very much for the nice words you've sent my way.

 I would encourage you to try and be encouraging to others. You may not fully realize how saying a few kind words can make all the difference in the world to them.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Here I am...(Jazz Hands)

**The following story is completely true (at least to the best of my memory). Some of the names have been changed to protect the skinny.

     I write for a living..not well, mind you, but I do write for a living and about a lot of things: People, places, things, events. Given that I write all day, every day,  you'd think I'd have no trouble writing this blog. You would be wrong. I've actually written 2 other drafts of a blog and deleted both of them.  I deleted them because they were about me and I have to admit, I really hate writing about myself.

 But since this journey is all about getting out of my "comfort zone" here I go:

A few months back, I went to the doctors office for a routine check-up which naturally included being weighed. When I got on the scale, I had to do a triple (not double) take. I weighed more than I had ever in years. I cried all through the doctor's visit (which made for a very awkward visit, let me tell you).

 It was around this time that I asked God to help me lose weight and out of the blue, this glorious opportunity came about.  I joke that I should have been a bit more specific in my prayers (I mean really, who blogs about dieting) but the truth is, this may be exactly what I need to do to finally start making some much needed lifestyle changes).

I was so excited to meet the folks on the Biggest Winner team this past Saturday. Many team mates have talked and written about how  it felt like we were old friends from the first day we started. They're absolutely right. Maybe it's because we're nervous, maybe it's because have the same goal, who knows? But I can honestly say these are some of the nicest people I have met (and believe me, I would say something if they weren't :)

Walking the Buddy's Race Against Cancer walk was a lot of fun. I had such a great time talking with Marie (sorry if I talked your ear off, btw) and Amanda. It seemed like we had been friends for decades. When we crossed the finish line, I thought to myself, 'I can't wait to do more walks with these great people' (actually I thought, 'Man I am really out of shape', and THEN I thought I can't wait to do more walks with these people."

Each and everyone on this team is here for a personal reason.  I hope that this blog will help people follow us on this unique and exciting journey together. We're all different, but we all have a common goal and we are all truly blessed to be part of this amazing team.

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13