Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Past the point of no return"

 So for a couple days now, people have been stopping me at work and saying "You're looking good" or "I can really see a difference".  It's comments like these that make all the hard work and long evenings, early morning spent exercising and training worth it.  And yet, I feel a sense of failure every time they compliment me.
 I do not, in any way, want to sound ungrateful for the comments I have received, they are very special to me and I am so happy to receive them. Yet, I have responded to almost all of them with "I'm just not feeling it this week".

 So what's the problem? I have absolutely no idea. I wish I could tell you that something significant caused me to "back slide" but the truth is, things have been going great.

 This happens to me a lot--I take a big step forward, get off track and then spend days/weeks trying to get back on course. So I reverted back to bad habits: I threw myself a big ole "pity party", I slept long hours, and I'll admit that I didn't really do great with my diet....and, I felt absolutely awful.

 Last night, when I was walking around my neighborhood I had a talk with myself and reminded myself of how far I have come in all of this and it would be foolish to give up. Failure, is not an option. I was reminded of our first meeting with our Life Coach, Chris (www.strongwithin.com) and that a quote from Yoda was brought up:  "Do, or do not. There is no try". (This has to be pretty memorable for me to remember a line from a George Lucas movie!)

 So, I officially called off my pity party, dusted myself off, chalked it up to a lesson learn and am moving on with my journey.  Thanks for the compliments and for cheering me on, I'm going to do better by you all.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Like a rock

  Our latest adventure took us to Ijams Nature Center for our Saturday training.

If you haven't been to Ijams...go!!  It's really beautiful and there are plenty of great walking trails which now include part Mead's Quarry and Ross Marble Natural Area. 

 We started off as a group on the paved trails. Then, in almost an instant, part of the group disappeared (the runners stayed on the paved road as did a couple of the team members) while we were off on the trails. Our plan was to hike 6 miles or so with the idea that hiking less is equivalent to walking more. There's a good reason for that theory: Those trails were muddy...VERY muddy.

 Amanda and I slipped and slid all over those trails. We ended up in the area known as the "Sand Dunes" and it was simply stunning. Missy encouraged us to explore (we had some kids with us) so we walked off the trails and found an old switch for train tracks (when trains used to come into the quarry) we also saw foundations for old buildings and a lot of really cool bricks, bottles, heck even an old toilet.

 Our next adventure with Missy took us to a really cool area that reminded me of the television show,  "Lost".  It was this dead end on the trail that was surrounded by moss-covered rocks that went up as far as the eye could see. They were stacked in an almost ritualistic manner. I'm sure someone told me what this area used to be but I  have forgotten. Either way, it was really cool!! There were caves, ponds and all kinds of trees. Everything was so vibrant and green, it felt like being in a fish bowl. The kids who were with us had a blast climbing down to the bottom where there were caves and I even climbed on a few rocks to see things better. Of course, since I was a fan of "Lost", I kept thinking the "Smoke Monster" would come get me. Missy said it reminded her of an "Indiana Jones" movie. Either way, if you are in the mood to explore a really cool area, I would highly recommend this trail.

 Our next area was known as "Key Hole". This was another part of the old quarry and again, it was super cool. There are a lot of steps in this area, so if you can't do steps, I would take that into consideration.

 It was a shame Melody wasn't there but I kept her memory alive by saying "Congratulations--we've kept our heart rate up this whole time" or "You got this, girl!"

At the end, we covered about 7 miles, got covered in mud and covered a lot of ground in our weekly "therapy" sessions. In short, we had a blast.

 I hope you'll head out to Ijams and check out all the great things it has to offer. But please, bring an extra pair of shoes ;)


Sunday, January 22, 2012

One (Is the Loneliest Number)

 Have I told you about my love-hate relationship I have with Mother Nature? Well, there I said it. I love Mother Nature on days when it's beautiful and sunny. Heck, I ever love her when it's dark and cloudy. However, I DO NOT like her AT ALL when she interferes with my plans.

   As a television/news producer, my issues with Mother Nature go way back. I remember the time,  just as I was starting out in this business, when that  I "accidentally" closed down a school system during a r snow storm because we were overloaded with them and I hit the wrong button (you're welcome, kids).  I remember last year's "throw-down" with Mother Nature when we had storm after storm after storm and how so many people were affected by hail damage, flooding, trees down, no power.

In short:  Mother Nature is needy and volatile. She does not take into account how hard you've worked or how important something is to you,  she wants what she wants when she wants it  and what she wants, is to show that she is in control.   Let's face it, the gal's got issues.

 So Friday night, I was pumped about walking Saturday for 7 miles. I did everything I was supposed to do:  I had a good dinner, I went to bed early, I got up ON TIME. Sadly, this was all for nothing. Our Saturday morning training was not to happen because of thunder and lighting. No walks with my team, no "therapy" session, no trying to keep up with Coach Missy, no... nothing. I was going to have to go it alone.

 The day wasn't completely bad. My long-time friend Lorri and I had a fun "girl day" and did some serious walking at the mall. We also walked around the Fountain City Duck Pond and we also went to lunch.

   A lot of my team-mates decided to go walking on Saturday afternoon either at the gym or when it finally quit raining. Since I was having a girl day, I decided to walk the 7 miles on Sunday.

Some of my team mates were going to get together (on Sunday) and run in downtown Knoxville along the course we are to take on April 1. I was going to actually do that but at the last minute I decided to get my miles in out here in the Halls/Powell area at Tommy Schumpert park.

 I have to admit, I was a bit lonely walking that greenway. But, it gave me some "quiet time" to soak in some of my thoughts to pray and  do some serious people watching. I increased my pace several times during my walk/swung my arms like crazy and when it was all said and done, I was was very happy and proud to finish those 7 miles.
  I say this a lot but if you haven't had the chance to get out and enjoy Greenways in Knox County, do it. Don't let the cold/winter weather stop you. It's really worth it to get out and about. Just be sure to bring along an umbrella or poncho...because you never know with our weather.

On to other news..

This week, Live at Five at 4 has been fortunate to bring our viewers two amazing stories about two incredible individuals (one human, the other non-human).

On Wednesday, my co-worker told the story of Mabel. Late last year, Mabel a 67 pound beagle that was surrendered by her owner and brought to a local animal shelter. They, in turn, called the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. It's been said that Mabel was the fattest dog that they've ever seen. Mable was put in their "Fat Camp" program and is now being raised by a Vet School employee who put her on a strict diet and exercise routine. Because it's easier on her joints, Mabel walks on an underwater treadmill and has recently had torn ACL ligaments.

 First, Mabel is ADORABLE!! But, it's really pitiful to see her walk because she's so heavy.  You can read and watch John's story here. You can also follow Mabel through her own personal "Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge" on her Facebook page. You won't regret meeting Mabel.

 On Thursday, we brought you a story on one of my team mates, Edee, and her trip to Beech Mountain to be part of an Adaptive Ski Clinic. Edee is a  wonderful and inspiring person who is planning to hand cycle the 1/ 2 marathon on April 1.   You can learn more about Edee's clinic here and learn more about her by visiting our Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner Weight loss Challenge website and our Facebook page.

Also on Thursday, we had our third strength training with trainer/life coach Chris at Fort Sanders Health & Fitness Center. This time, we were all together for the training. We were back to planking and the stability ball but this time, instead of going to individual machines for the weights..we took the hand weights and used the stability ball in a number of ways.  I'm so glad we were able to all be in the same area working together on this. Randy kept us laughing with his "moves like Jagger" and Amanda and I kept each other giggling as we tried to "gracefully" move about.

 All in all, it was a pretty interesting week..here's wishing all of you plenty of sunshine on your walks or runs.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Thank you for being a friend"

I have to admit that I started writing this on Saturday, got frustrated, and then decided to scrap it.  But, I couldn't not do a blog for this week...so for better  or worse..here it is.

 Those who really know me know how much I love "The Golden Girls" and in particular, Betty White.

I love Betty White because she IS television. For more than 6 decades (perhaps even longer) she has entertained countless people on everything from live television to Emmy-winning shows. She's kind, smart, sassy, considerate and salty. I had the honor of meeting her and I gushed like a school girl. There aren't many people left in Hollywood who could literally tell you the history of television,  decade by decade.  She is, in short, a living legend.

  At 8 p.m. on Monday, NBC will present a tribute to Betty on the eve of her 90th birthday. They'll also show a new reality show she's taking part in:  “Hidden Camera” Series “Betty White’s Off Their Rockers” to Follow 90th Birthday Salute from 9:30-10 p.m. (ET)

To be honest, I wasn't a fan of "GG" during the 80's and 90's. I don't really remember watching it at all. In the late 1990's, Lifetime started showing re-runs of the show in the mornings and evenings. This was a particularly low-time in my life so I appreciated any laughter I could find. It wasn't long before I was making it a "must-see" event.  I love this show because, nearly 20 years later, it's still relevant and funny. The writing is genius. I also love the idea of great friendships: Friends that love and support each other yet get on each others' nerves is something I think most can relate to.

 My friends are extremely important to me. Some have been with me for (gulp) decades while others are brand new.

    One of the biggest perks of being on the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge is that you make friends, friends that are in the same boat as you.
By now, I've talked about the  "Band of Brothers Sisters" pledge made between Amanda, Melody and myself to never leave one behind in training or on the day of the marathon. I haven't really had the chance to get to know the other members of the team and fortunately for me, that has changed this past week.

  On Monday, I went and interviewed Randy for an upcoming story on his weigh loss/exercise. He has a wonderful family and a beautiful home and I'm honored to bring his story to East Tennessee and beyond. Randy is warrior. He only started running a few years ago and has already completed a marathon. I know everyone will be inspired hearing his encouraging words. One other thing, he's hilarious!

Last Saturday, I had the chance to get to know Mike, another great family man. We walked all through downtown Knoxville during which we talked about everything from frozen foods to Dolly Parton. Mike is also the focus of a story in the Maryville Daily Times.  Saturday's walk was 6 miles throughout downtown/Volunteer Landing. It was followed  with another 2 miles at Sam's. I have to admit that my feet were not happy with me at all. But, a massage,  some cold and hot therapy and ibuprofin managed to get me back in shape in no time.

Last week was our second strength training session with trainer/life coach Chris (http://www.strongwithin.com/) at Fort Sanders Health & Fitness Center. This week was MUCH better than the last time we were together, I was stronger and could do more. We have another session tomorrow.

On Monday, Melody and I went to Zumba. Okay-first, you know it's going to be interesting when your Zumba instructor is drop-dead beautiful and skinny. Melody said it "kicked her butt". I would agree. I appreciate the fact that I made her laugh with my funny faces. I'm not sure why since I didn't think I was making funny faces ;) Just kidding--my Zumba moves are more Saturday Night Live than Saturday Night Fever (if you've never heard of it--google it).

Tuesday was followed up with another Zumba class with a co-worker. I really do enjoy the workout that Zumba gives you and I appreciate the fact that I can feel the work out days later, it makes me feel like I've gotten my money's worth.

   So that's it. I hope the rest of the week treats all of you well and that you spend it with friends that encourage and lift you up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Give a Little Bit"

 It's no secret that I love music. I always have. When I started my blog, I didn't know what I would call it but I knew, without a doubt, that each title would be a song title. I'm not sure it it's clever or a clever way to cheat but either way, music describes our lives.

"Give a Little Bit" has more than one meaning to me this week.

I'd like to brag on myself for eating all the right calories, walking the right distance, showing great strength during our first strength training and being a strong team member.   I'd like brag on myself, but I would be lying.

  Let's start with the highs: This week I was introduced by a very generous and wonderful friend to the Fit Bit. I must admit that I have always had a hard time understanding anything that is medium-to-high tech but I have found this to be a big plus in my weight loss routine.

For those of you who don't know,  A Fit Bit is a tiny, thumb-sized contraption that you wear, like pedometer. It keeps track of your activity (counts steps like a pedometer, stairs that you climb, calories burned). As you go throughout your day the little flower on the Fit Bit grows :) You can also log your sleeping (when I can figure it out) food, water intake, glucose, bp, bmi and just about else you can think of pertaining to your weight.

The fit bit synchs up with my computer (and, when I take the time to do it, my smart phone) and whenever I sit down, it tells me how many steps I've taken, stairs climbed, etc. It even sends me "way to go" emails when I reach the milestones that I have set. I can honestly say that this is one of the cleverest tools I've seen to keep track of everything related to physical fitness/healthy eating (I assure you that NO ONE is paying me to say any of this).

This week, our team had our first strength training with Chris O'Hearn at Fort Sanders Health & Fitness Center.  There is a part of me that is, generally, scared to death of strength training. I don't understand the machines and I am already a bull-in-a-china shop type person so I felt a little awkward working on the machines.  This often times causes me to revert back to my fat middle-schooler ways of cracking jokes, which I did and I hope no one doesn't think I'm not taking this seriously, because I am.
 We were divided into groups and worked during part of the hour on the weight machines and then with Chris on the stability ball and those "Planks" that Missy showed us on the first day came back to haunt me on this night. I found out, very quickly, that I need to strengthen my "Core".

 I also went back to Zumba this week. If you don't do Zumba..you should. You also have no excuse not to do Zumba, since there are, literally, dozens of  classes during the week in and around East Tennessee.
 A couple of places you can find Zumba are:
Zumba Knoxville
Dance Moves

If you belong to a gym, like Fort Sanders Fitness Center, be sure to ask when their classes are..or as always, go to the Zumba website.

Don't worry about not being able to follow the moves or looking out of place, trust me--if I can do Zumba ANY ONE can. So get out there and move to the music!

 On Saturday it was time for our weekly training. This week, I was to walk 5 1/2 miles. Trouble is, I overslept. I admit that I have ALWAYS struggled with sleeping. I can never fall asleep, stay asleep or wake up. It's really embarrassing. Without giving excuses, I will say that I simply woke up at 7:45 a.m., drove like a mad woman to get there (obeying traffic rules, of course), and had to park at a local school to catch up with my team. In all, I did about 5 miles (I made up the 1/2 during my trip to the grocery store). It wasn't my strongest work out and I felt that I had let everyone down. No one said this to me, I just felt that I had (I always tend to feel this way when I fall short of my own expectations).

 It was nice to see Mike, Ariel, Randy and Darla during our walk (and strength training) we hadn't been together as a group in a while so it was a mini-reunion. (Side note:  It was also fun to see Peggy--WIVK the frog--during our Thursday night group meeting. I have always loved this woman..mostly because she was a trooper during our Mascot Baseball Games on Live at Five at 4) Amanda and I were walking buddies and we had good talks about support, food choices (I almost didn't recognize her at first because she's toned up so much).

 After our walk, we all met at Panera and talked about how things were going. I admit that I had one of their Power Breakfast Sandwiches (because I am sick to death of oatmeal). It was delicious. We shared some advice (which I always appreciate) and struggles (which I appreciated even more). We talked about meeting up for a class on healthy cooking (since one our team mates is a chef and another is a Dietitian), I bragged on how one of my co-workers is like my "Coach Missy" at work, She makes sure I'm walking, climbing stairs, drinking water and keeping on task to get out and get across town in time to attend meetings at the Covenant Weight Management Center. I've even enlisted (well, strong-armed) the help of another co-worker to walk around our building 4-5 times a day to add steps to my pedometer, make my flower grow and  to just get a break from staring at our computers.

 Even though Saturday started rough for me, it's ended on a high note.  Meeting with the group made me feel so much better and I left there with a resolve to do better in every aspect of this journey. I'm taking it easy today, I'm giving myself a break for things I can't do anything about, and I'm looking at each new day as a fresh start.

I'm also listening to the music.

Have a great week

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Climb Every Mountain"

It was the last day of 2011, a beautiful Saturday that felt more like the first day of spring. I had overslept and was driving like a mad woman (obeying traffic rules, of course) rushing to meet up with our Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Loser Weigh loss challenge group. As I pulled onto Rutledge Pike it hit me: I've been down this road before and it was not my finest hour.

 In early October I had met up with a group of people to climb to the top of House Mountain which is on the Knox/Grainger County lines (I think it's Grainger).  It's a beautiful hike that's just over 3 miles. You have two choices on the climbs: The white trail or the blue trail. We chose white because it's the easier (more on that later).

I had just came from seeing my doctor for a physical and had learned that I had gained a ridiculous amount of weight from over the summer. I had been super stressed about recent storms we had been seeing and to cope, I ate. And I ate..and ate...and well, you get the point.

 To be perfectly honest, I had never been so down about my weight until this moment and thought the House Mountain Climb would be a great way to lift my spirits and get some much-needed exercise. It did the complete opposite.

 As we started up the mountain, I could feel myself literally slow down. I couldn't go any faster than a turtle. I just thought, 'Oh, it'll get easier'. But it didn't get easier...it got harder. I started to get winded and had to stop every few minutes and catch my breath. It was then that it hit me that I am significantly overweight and I am going to die if I don't do something, ANYTHING!!

 So, I did what I do best in these types of situations, I started to cry. It was a wave of emotions: Anger-for doing this to myself, Fear-for what could happen, Self-loathing: for just about anything else I could think of. If I watched  Oprah, that hike would have been my "ah-ha moment".

 I had two great friends who were super sweet and they stayed with me the whole time, encouraging me and refusing to leave me (even though I said COUNTLESS TIMES "Save yourself, go on without me").

 I joke now that I asked Jesus to just "Take me", but the truth is, I said a scripture to myself over and over I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. That helped more than anything. When we hit a rough patch of rocks, I would recite it to myself. When I thought my knees would buckle, I'd say it then also. Somehow I made it to the top of House Mountain and I made it back down using the white trail both times. I left there with a sense of accomplishment but also a sense of shame (Oh and the water bladder thingy in my backpack had a leak so I had a soggy bottom..so it was embarrassing, cold and I was thirsty).

Flash forward to December 31 and I'm driving again to House Mountain. I can honestly say that I NEVER, EVER, EVER thought I would try and attempt this mountain again, much less in the same year.

 When Coach Missy sent us an email saying she and her hiking buddies were going to be going to House, I sent a "Reply All" that basically said: "Missy, I'm not sure I can make it".  I knew we would  have some serious hikers who would get to the top and then back down at break-neck speed. I would hold EVERYONE up.

 Once again, we took the white trail, I remember growling at the sign as we passed it.. This time, however, the climb didn't feel the same as before. I went faster (which I'm sure will be startling to those who were probably half-way up the mountain as I was just starting) and  this time, I felt different. Just as before, I had to stop to catch my breath,  but not as frequently (which again, I'm sure is startling to those who were with me). It was a COMPLETELY different climb. And it was worth it. We saw some of the most beautiful sights in East Tennessee from House Mountain, I'm so glad I went twice because I appreciated it more each time I see it.

 Amanda & Mel were my hiking buddies, along with Coach Missy & her sister and daughter.  Mel kept saying that she thought the White trail was the easier hike and I thought she was crazy until we took the blue trail down. She's right..the white trail is easier.

All in all, my end-of-the-year hike was like a new experience, and it was a good one. I was sore, tired and extremely proud of how far I had come in such a short amount of time.

Once again, when I faced a challenge, I quote my scripture and my legs went faster and felt stronger.

 I plan on making it out to House Mountain again in 2012 and see if I can do EVEN better this time.

I encourage you to Climb Your mountain this year.

On to other business:

I had the extreme privilege to do a story on my team mate, Melody. We shot over at Fort Sanders Health & Fitness Center the day after Christmas. Our trainer/life coach Chris put her through some strengthening routines (You can learn more about his Strong Within life coaching here). I also have  We had fun getting to know each other.

 As for my eating this week, well..um, let's just say I need to work on some things. I had a healthy dinner New Year's Eve but I also drank some champagne and ate Chocolate covered raisins. I really need to get that area of my life in check. I wish I enjoyed cooking more...but I really don't. If anyone has some great tasting yet healthy recipes they would like to share, feel free to email them.

I hope you have a wonderful week. Climb that mountain!!

**Don't forget our Facebook page.