Saturday, November 26, 2011

We're playing those mind games...(together).

I've heard it all my life, a simple phrase that seems to explain the impossible: Mind over matter.

I just watched MTV's "I used to be fat". One of the Covenant trainers, Chris O'Hearn, coached a beautiful young lady from Seymour. In it, they talked about something  that I had never really thought about before: Making your mind be a part of your exercise/weight loss routine. i,e Getting it in your mind that you CAN do it.

It really opened my eyes. It may sound ridiculous but I seriously had never thought about putting my mind into doing anything about my weight. I associate losing weight with emotion or what's in my heart but never, ever my  mind.

 I thought it was a very informative and inspiring show from a network that I had given up on many years ago (I stopped watching when they got rid of the Moon Man opening every hour. Yeah, I'm that old)

 So from here forth, I'm going to have to start thinking of this as doing something for the MIND, BODY & SOUL.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend? People can be so cold

 I've been thinking a lot about support systems this week. It's so important for all of us to have support in everything that we do. Whether it comes to us in our work relationships or our personal ones, it's nice to know you have someone who's "Got your back".
 I would argue that support is as important on any weight loss plan as the food and exercise plan.

  My team mates are certainly supportive. On the Sunday of our walk in the Buddy's Race Against Cancer, we were all supportive for each and every step of the way. Some of us haven't walked 2 miles in a while so it was nice that we could encourage each other along.

 And, in the days since we last saw each other, we have emailed each other little encouragements to get through the week. It's been fun seeing all the emails in my mailbox and know I have a little nugget of encouragement/advice waiting for me. I've also received encouragement from many of my friends and that has also encouraged me. I thank you all so very much for the nice words you've sent my way.

 I would encourage you to try and be encouraging to others. You may not fully realize how saying a few kind words can make all the difference in the world to them.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Here I am...(Jazz Hands)

**The following story is completely true (at least to the best of my memory). Some of the names have been changed to protect the skinny.

     I write for a living..not well, mind you, but I do write for a living and about a lot of things: People, places, things, events. Given that I write all day, every day,  you'd think I'd have no trouble writing this blog. You would be wrong. I've actually written 2 other drafts of a blog and deleted both of them.  I deleted them because they were about me and I have to admit, I really hate writing about myself.

 But since this journey is all about getting out of my "comfort zone" here I go:

A few months back, I went to the doctors office for a routine check-up which naturally included being weighed. When I got on the scale, I had to do a triple (not double) take. I weighed more than I had ever in years. I cried all through the doctor's visit (which made for a very awkward visit, let me tell you).

 It was around this time that I asked God to help me lose weight and out of the blue, this glorious opportunity came about.  I joke that I should have been a bit more specific in my prayers (I mean really, who blogs about dieting) but the truth is, this may be exactly what I need to do to finally start making some much needed lifestyle changes).

I was so excited to meet the folks on the Biggest Winner team this past Saturday. Many team mates have talked and written about how  it felt like we were old friends from the first day we started. They're absolutely right. Maybe it's because we're nervous, maybe it's because have the same goal, who knows? But I can honestly say these are some of the nicest people I have met (and believe me, I would say something if they weren't :)

Walking the Buddy's Race Against Cancer walk was a lot of fun. I had such a great time talking with Marie (sorry if I talked your ear off, btw) and Amanda. It seemed like we had been friends for decades. When we crossed the finish line, I thought to myself, 'I can't wait to do more walks with these great people' (actually I thought, 'Man I am really out of shape', and THEN I thought I can't wait to do more walks with these people."

Each and everyone on this team is here for a personal reason.  I hope that this blog will help people follow us on this unique and exciting journey together. We're all different, but we all have a common goal and we are all truly blessed to be part of this amazing team.

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13