Thursday, January 7, 2016

New year, new team, new name

What do wool socks, Ibuprofen, and the music of Pitbull have in common? They’re three things I’ve relied on to make it through the week.

Yes, I am officially back on the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon team. This time, it’s all business. Literally.

Members of the 2016 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Corporate Team Challenge represent several local businesses in East Tennessee. The idea: make our workplaces healthier and inspire other businesses and employees to do the same. We'll do this as we work towards the Knoxville Marathon which is April 3, 2016 (still time to sign up and train)! Visit the Knoxville Marathon website for more on the Saturday training runs.

I'll admit, it's never easy to admit you have gotten off-track with something so important as taking care of your health. But, I did. Still, there's no shame in admitting that you need help, which is I am so grateful for this opportunity to represent WBIR Channel 10 as a media representative and re-work some.

We first met in late December and officially started January 5 with our strength training at Fort Sanders Health and Fitness Center with trainer/life coach Chris. Our first actual training run/walk is January 9 at Cherokee Mills in Knoxville.

For the next few weeks you will see me looking my worst while trying my best in the gym, on the greenways, and at work.

Case in point:
(Photo taken by Covenant Health)

Not my best look at all. For the record, I refer to these ropes as the shoestrings from h-e-double hockey sticks!

Here's the exact point that was captured on camera of when  I realized that I had a LOOOOONGGG way to go to get back to where I could do the ropes like a boss!!

If you don't know, I'm the one one the right, in the orange, the one with no upper body strength.

The funny thing is I remember a few years back when I looked like I was going to punch poor Joe Mitchell in the face I was so fast.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

So, yeah, I have a lot of work to do and I'm anxious to get started. I'm easing back into an exercise routine that includes healthy fruits and vegetables, lots and lots of Zumba (thus the Pitbull reference),  rest,  and regrouping.  I've also started blogging again (which I personally feel is the best way to hold yourself accountable) with a new name "Taking New Steps".  I hope someone will read  this other than my cousin Amy and my fitness friends for life Melody & Amanda.

I invite you to follow along with us by encouraging yourself and your  co-workers to  find ways to eat healthier, drink more water, get up and moving around the building, and getting plenty of rest.

 Let’s get down to the business of getting healthy in 2016.

You can meet my teammates here

And here:

You can also join our Facebook page and share how you and your co-workers are making a difference in your workplace.

My game face (or best I can do).

This blog represent my views only and not my Employer, Covenant Health, The Knoxville Marathon, The Knoxville Track Club, and/or anyone else who has ever met or talked to me for any amount of time.